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Because cupid can strike anyone, anywhere and at any time, here are a set of clear guidelines and expectations for team members engaging in romantic relationships with each other in the workplace. These guidelines aim to ensure that personal relationships do not interfere with work, do not end up creating a hostile work environment, and are transparently disclosed. These guidelines will also help the company to prevent any conflict of interest and possible instances of favouritism, while providing a safe and respectful workplace for all team members.


This supersedes all previous guidelines and is applicable to everyone - full-time, part-time team members, consultants / partners, or interns.

Ok! Before you giggle, ask us why?

All content, policy documents, details and ideas on this site belong to Never Grow Up Workshops Pvt. Ltd, SPRD, Yellow Seed Content Solutions Pvt. Ltd. & Good Wave Foundation | Made with a lot of heart & grit | All rights reserved. 

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